
Bar(ac)k 4 Obama!

Yes we can, Yes we did!!!


Photo Credit: Brian Hathcocks, Flickr

On November 4, 2008 we as American people came together and overwhelmingly elected Barack Obama as our 44th President of the US.  This was an amazing day in history for all of us and as you can see the pUPs of the world were pretty excited as well.  The long awaited change that we needed for this country has arrived.  And for those of you who’s support Barack has yet to win, he hears your voices, he needs your help, and he will be YOUR President too!


Photo Credit: tkruiter, Flickr


Lots of Kisses,


Cowardly Lion, originally uploaded by dewalt.

Such a handsome young man I have 🙂

Happy Halloween!!!

Lots of Kisses,


The Great pUPkin!!!

Joe 'the Fort Greene' Plumber

So last Sunday I did as any good pUPscale Mommy would do, and I dressed up my little man in his spectacular Halloween costume and headed to Fort Greene park in Brooklyn, NY to compete in the 10th Annual Great PUPkin Contest sponsored by Fort Greene PUPS.

The contest was a big hit, with an even bigger turn out! The creativity that went into each costume was truly inspiring.  Frankie was “The Cowardly Lion” (from ‘The Wizard of OZ’) and in my opinion was the cutest pUP there.  In the end, “Joe the Plumber” took home a much deserved 1st prize.  His costume was AMAZING… the best part being that he shot water out of the pipe on his back causing the crowd to go wild 🙂

All in all it turned out to be a “perfect Sunday afternoon”.

To view more pics of the event click below:


pUPscale on Flickr!

fort greene PUPS on Flickr

The Gotamist: Pupkin Time

Lots of Kisses,


Fashion FUR-less!

When times get tough you have to conserve,
but always look fabulous! -FC

Times are tough these days… you wake up in the morning to the smell of fresh brewed coffee, sitting down with the morning paper you think, hey today is not so bad.  Then you turn on the TV so you can tune into Good Morning America and all you hear is how terrible the economy is and that its only going to get worse.  Scary stuff I know.

Well today the stock market was up almost 1,000 point… WOO HOO!  But just to be on the safe side I decided to show you a  few inexpensive option when it comes to pet fashion. Now I know what your thinking, I said times of tough… but hey no matter how tough times get you still have to look good.  Just think of how great the women looked during WWII.  We could all learn a thing or two from them… when times get tough you have to conserve, but always look fabulous.  This way when times improve (and they will) you’ll be ready.

Check out these super cute tees featured above, both available at forever21.com the queen of inexpensive! Considering the state that our country is in I figured these tees are the perfect option.  And there both under $10. Enjoy!

Lots of Kisses,


I just can’t get enough of Daily Candy and although the blog itself is amazing… I must admit that one of the big reason I follow them is because of their wonderful “happy” illustrations created by Sujean Rim (a fellow NY’er)  Check out these great illustrations provided by Dailycandy.com and madforstyle.com

Lots of Kisses,


Rock the Vote!!!

With only 23 days left before the 2008 Presidential Election, its time to get the pUPs involved. Check out these super cute pawlitical doggy treats.

Now I don’t know about you, but Frankie and I are BA-racking the Vote! …but as long as you vote for what you believe in, we wont hold it against you don’t 🙂

Now get out there and make your voice and bark heard!

VOTE!!! November 4, 2008

Lots of Kisses,


Check out this super cute editorial in the October issue of

Vogue magazine.

Although I don’t agree with Vogue implying that pUPs are accessories… I still think the spread is super cute and exudes a certain pUPscale style.

Note to readers:  Booties and Satchels are fashion trends pUPs are forever!!!

Lots of Kisses,


Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month… and since spoiling your pUP is part of livin’ the pUPscale life, why not do a little a little good in the process.

All of the above items are available at The Breast Cancer Site where every purchase made will help fund mammograms for women in need.  Early detection is the only way to save your life.

I think I’m going to get the loofa toy for Frankie and the note cards for me 🙂

Lots of Kisses,


If like myself, you love both fashion and pUPs and you will be just as excited for this documentary as I am. Valentino The Last Emperor premiering at the Venice Film Festival and International Film Festival, is much more than just another fashion movie, its the story of one of the most celebrated designers of our time.  Check out the clip below featuring his beautiful pUGs.

From one pUPpy loving designer to another…. Bravo Valention, Bravo!!!

Lots of Kisses,


Preston update!!!

Now we all know Preseton is Frankie’s pUP hero… and well I think he’s pretty darn cute too!  Check out his latest photo shoot taken by Shine Pet Photos who refers to her pUP headshots as  “Extreme Pet Makeover”.

Photo Credit: Shine Pet Photo's LA, California

Above is one of my fav’s from the shoot…. but be sure to check out the rest.  I guarantee your in for a whole lot of oooo’s and awww’s 🙂

Lots of Kisses,
